Monday, January 3, 2011

So I got accepted into the "so you want to write a novel" group on my beloved and the first assignment was a contract.  not just any contract, this one basically says that no matter how I feel, I will be writing at least 2 hours everyday!  It seems easy enough, I usually do write everyday no matter what, might not be for a whole two hours...but I do get the writing I need done. I think having deadlines in my journey will help IMMENSELY as I am a procrastinator when I feel unmotivated, and in such a daunting task as a novel, I will definitely have times that I want to quit.
But I have my contract signed and as much as I haaaaaate outlines
I have my mind set and ready to tackle that task as well.
So here's to a novel (more importantly, my novel) in a year, or as my contract states...180 days!!

Oh and I think I finally figured out the basics of my story as I do have a rough outline of the events at play...
happy writing!

Join up...the people are great (my handle is mrsvoelkel)

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