Tuesday, January 4, 2011

on Writing...

Well, I am about to get started on my writing for the night, really looking to finish up Chapter 2 and set some things in motion.  I just really wanted to put some of my thoughts on all of this.  For one, this isn't my first attempt at writing a book, my first one has a good story kinda but was just a mess and well unfinished at this point in time.  The one I am working on now I am happy to say (very, very happy to say) is already coming along so much better.  For one I actually know whats going to happen!  I am all for seat of your pants writing but when working on a novel, it just isn't the practical approach.  So here I am with my new ideas and now that I know where my character was, what he wants and where he is going...the story begs me to write it.  In fact last night I could barely sleep, I had so much I wanted to write.  I of course have a day job and well needed sleep so I resisted but just having that drive to write makes me feel so great and hopeful and motivated about my novel.  I can so do this!

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