Monday, January 3, 2011

I, just like about every other author or author in the works, love to read.  And of course every time I put a good book down, I think to myself "I could write that".  I know they say that everyone has at least one good book in them.  However they also say that out of every one hundred people who start a novel, only 3 will finish.  I am beyond determined to be one of those three!  So I have a great story, I have the basic outline and I have a main character that will take you deep into his cursed life.  I for one am really excited.  Its all about "butt in chair right?" 

So I made this blog mostly for me to just keep track of my progress and keep me motivated but if anyone else out there is writing, as I know many of you are, feel free to join me!  The more the merrier!

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