Thursday, January 20, 2011

Johnny's background story

    Growing up in Banning Ca hasn't been easy for me.  The neighborhood can be rough at times.  We have always been afraid to open the door never knowing if the salesman is selling cookies or drugs.  My name is Johnny Wikk and frankly, I have become accustomed to my hometown.  Even though alot of the kids at high school are rough and tough they always steer clear from me.  See my father is a killer, to put it bluntly, they leave me alone.

    It is frightening enough for these small town wanna be gangsters to know that my father could have them begging like a little girl in  a matter of mins, but what really gets there hair on end is the unknown.  They dont know if I have the same abilities as him and I like it that way.
    My dad, John Wikk, better known as the enabler, can simply turn your fears against you like you could never imagine.  Fear is a powerful tool and he has figured out a way to completely paralyze his victims.  I call it the mental viper strike, because that's what he does.  He injects your fears of the impossible out into reality and freezes your mind so that you cant fight and there is no way out but his way.  Kind of like that clown in Stephen kings "it", penny-wise I believed was his name.  Dad's victims begged him to finish them off. He is the most powerful man in the world when you think about it and I learned at a very young age to be fearless.

    I am not allowed to be afraid of anything or he will come for me.  My dad can sense one fearful thought as efficiently as a shark can smell blood in the ocean.  I cant let that happen.  I have a family.  I am here to protect my mom, Jamie Wikk, and my soon to be little sister Emily.  My mom is an angel, even though I am a killers son she treats me like I am just an average teenage boy.  Never once have a sensed fear of me from her.  Yes I have the gift, curse, too.  I can see fear swiftly but I never instigate it.  I am not evil, I am not my father.    

    Although I am a lot of out of the ordinary things, I am also just a typical teen boy in a sense.  I have to get up and go to the public school each weekday and I praise the clock at 3:20 each Friday afternoon.  I love pizza and soda.  I have had a few beers but didn't really have a taste for them and I always pass on drugs.  I enjoy reading from time to time and of course as most guys are, I am interested in girls.

    I have never had an actual girlfriend, came close once but had to get rid of her because of the danger.  If I had someone of my own then I would have a clear fear of loosing her and he would come for me.  I am not afraid to face him if he ever did decide to come for me because I know one day it will come to that. 

    My father is a strong one but he has one weakness, I felt the fear in overwhelming waves from him when he knew he was losing my mom.  Though a sick and evil man, he loves Jamie Wikk with all his heart.  When I saw the girls face in the paper match the girl I saw in our backyard the night before it was easy to figure out who he really was and his fear blazed to life, fear I would tell my mom.  He was safe for a while because when I told her she didn't believe me.

    That is so painful to remember.  Nothing is quite like the only person in your life that you love look at you with distrust in there eyes.  It was a scaring moment for me and I never saw her int he same light again.  I love her so much but no longer can i express that to her.  Every time she tries to pull me into conversation all I can see in her eyes is a mother who accused her only son of being a liar.  It didn't take her long to see the truth though.  I really dont know what the breaking point for her was but if I had to take a guess it was just that 6th sense lovers get when they know something is off.  

    Mom and I dont talk much now of days but when she put a black and white photo of an alien looking figure in front of my eyes i felt like a family again.  She told me that it was Emily and this picture was mine.  I stared at that picture long after she had left to go do some shopping.  I stared at her for hours and somehow in this house of gloom and silence I can hear laughter.  She will be making the Wikks a family again sometime in mid march, around st patties day.  The four leaf clover is lucky right?  She will need to be lucky to survive here.  Actually no, I will keep her safe.  Her little hands can always find comfort in mine, her big brother.

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