Monday, March 28, 2011

What's the deal?

In the last week I have hit two writing blocks!  I got around them thank goodness and got a few scenes out anyways but still, give a writer a break!
So between pounding out scenes I had a very interesting week, my car was broken, my oldest daughter broke out in hives and my husband and I decided to grow a tomato family.  And oh how just a day or two can let in big changes, My car is fixed, my daughter we found is allergic to apricots as well as pears, and my tomato plant is ruined thanks to my youngest daughter.  I don't know, just had me thinking about scenes and how every time something changes it is time to move on.  Writing is kind of like life in a sense, I mean if we spill a glass of milk on the table, are we going to; sit and think about how we could have not spilled it or are we going to clean up the mess and continue on into the next disaster?  I don't' know about you but I would just clean it up =).  And so in a way it is just like writing.  When i know I have muffed up a scene, I don't go back and rewrite it, I just continue on and when I am done with my first draft I will fix it.  Just my thoughts for the day.
I have also made a very detailed outline with roughly 50 scenes in it so I always know where I am headed.  I wrote each scene on a note card book that I keep in my purse and when ever the idea comes I just flip to my scene and jot it down. Oh and I have taken out the chapter dividers and decided that I work better with scenes.  So I will write all my scenes out first for my first draft, then I will hide my laptop from my vision and relax for a few weeks while I have the new "I did it" attitude, then I will reread my novel and rewrite scenes one at a time, then separate into chapters and edit and possible have a close friend edit and hopefully publish or self I know I have a looooong way, but I am working on it.  Slow but steady wins the race =)

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