Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Well, I appoligize!

I'm sorry, I haven't really been on here as of late...lots of things have been going on in my life and I had a period of insanity.  Things are somewhat better now and I have been writing some. 

Anyways, down to business!

March 15th...today...marks the official starting day to write my novel.  OK I had started on it a while back and have some chapters under my belt, but for the next six months (hopefully it wont take that long) I will be writing everyday!  Sounds kinda grueling and so I decided to make a word count goal for each week rather than each day.  My goal list will look something like this:

  • week 1- 2000 words
  • week 2- 2000 words
And so forth.  I figure if after I sit at my computer and write, even its bad and sloppy, I can check off my list and feel accomplished.  Its my back up plan for the days I just can't think of anything...though I don't have very many of those, I am blessed with about 30 constant thoughts at all times lol.

So I feel very well prepared in most aspects of my writing.  I have possibly the best outline I have ever written so far at least (someone asked me if it was for a book already written and I still glow with pride from that compliment) and I have some pretty elaborate character descriptions...though most of my chars are going to grow through the story I believe.

I will be diving back into "the apple" tonight and I plan on being there for a while, an extended stay...I will update when I can...wish me luck =)

*Oh and one more thing...I see that a few people do in fact visit my page so why not join and become a fan?  I would love to have some fans and some comments and opinions roaming my page =)

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