Thursday, March 17, 2011

So I figured out I do much better on my computer...

I am better at writing with my laptop rather then my notebook.  But I really liked the idea of being able to jot down notes here and there for later, so I got a novel writing program called the 'ywriter'....and I love it!  I ended up with a 908 word count yesterday and it just amazes me how when I write things just start to come together almost naturally. 

I am happy to say that I now have my husband's help in making sure I get to my computer for an hour of writing each night, somthing about being able to boss me around for a change seemed to appeal to him lol.

I once again have a good chunk of usable material, my novel has moved forward again and I once again know where I will be picking up tonight, man why didn't I try this technique sooner?  I couldn't help but think about all the other wonderful things I could do with just an hour a day.  If we dedicate just one; one measly, overlooked ,quick passing hour each and everyday...we could do, learn, accomplish just about anything!

An hour a day makes the dreamer stay <3

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