Monday, March 28, 2011

What's the deal?

In the last week I have hit two writing blocks!  I got around them thank goodness and got a few scenes out anyways but still, give a writer a break!
So between pounding out scenes I had a very interesting week, my car was broken, my oldest daughter broke out in hives and my husband and I decided to grow a tomato family.  And oh how just a day or two can let in big changes, My car is fixed, my daughter we found is allergic to apricots as well as pears, and my tomato plant is ruined thanks to my youngest daughter.  I don't know, just had me thinking about scenes and how every time something changes it is time to move on.  Writing is kind of like life in a sense, I mean if we spill a glass of milk on the table, are we going to; sit and think about how we could have not spilled it or are we going to clean up the mess and continue on into the next disaster?  I don't' know about you but I would just clean it up =).  And so in a way it is just like writing.  When i know I have muffed up a scene, I don't go back and rewrite it, I just continue on and when I am done with my first draft I will fix it.  Just my thoughts for the day.
I have also made a very detailed outline with roughly 50 scenes in it so I always know where I am headed.  I wrote each scene on a note card book that I keep in my purse and when ever the idea comes I just flip to my scene and jot it down. Oh and I have taken out the chapter dividers and decided that I work better with scenes.  So I will write all my scenes out first for my first draft, then I will hide my laptop from my vision and relax for a few weeks while I have the new "I did it" attitude, then I will reread my novel and rewrite scenes one at a time, then separate into chapters and edit and possible have a close friend edit and hopefully publish or self I know I have a looooong way, but I am working on it.  Slow but steady wins the race =)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

So I figured out I do much better on my computer...

I am better at writing with my laptop rather then my notebook.  But I really liked the idea of being able to jot down notes here and there for later, so I got a novel writing program called the 'ywriter'....and I love it!  I ended up with a 908 word count yesterday and it just amazes me how when I write things just start to come together almost naturally. 

I am happy to say that I now have my husband's help in making sure I get to my computer for an hour of writing each night, somthing about being able to boss me around for a change seemed to appeal to him lol.

I once again have a good chunk of usable material, my novel has moved forward again and I once again know where I will be picking up tonight, man why didn't I try this technique sooner?  I couldn't help but think about all the other wonderful things I could do with just an hour a day.  If we dedicate just one; one measly, overlooked ,quick passing hour each and everyday...we could do, learn, accomplish just about anything!

An hour a day makes the dreamer stay <3

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How day one went.

Last night around 7pm I sat down with a notebook and wrote nonstop for an hour.  I think a lot of what I wrote is actually usable with a bit of tweaking.  It wasn't easy to write for an hour with virtually no idea what to write about at the time, but once I got things going it got a little easier and ideas starting coming my way.  I was writing about one of my off main chars (that's my new term for almost sorta main char) and his back-story on how he realized he was a psychic...things got sketchy and difficult and extreamly sloppy but now I have a pretty good idea on what to work on and I added in all my side notes in the margins (love my notebook).  I also have a better feel of Greg the psychic, my off main char, and his personality and more importanly...I know what I will be writng about today when my 7pm writing block rolls around.

That's my update...happy writing =)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Well, I appoligize!

I'm sorry, I haven't really been on here as of late...lots of things have been going on in my life and I had a period of insanity.  Things are somewhat better now and I have been writing some. 

Anyways, down to business!

March the official starting day to write my novel.  OK I had started on it a while back and have some chapters under my belt, but for the next six months (hopefully it wont take that long) I will be writing everyday!  Sounds kinda grueling and so I decided to make a word count goal for each week rather than each day.  My goal list will look something like this:

  • week 1- 2000 words
  • week 2- 2000 words
And so forth.  I figure if after I sit at my computer and write, even its bad and sloppy, I can check off my list and feel accomplished.  Its my back up plan for the days I just can't think of anything...though I don't have very many of those, I am blessed with about 30 constant thoughts at all times lol.

So I feel very well prepared in most aspects of my writing.  I have possibly the best outline I have ever written so far at least (someone asked me if it was for a book already written and I still glow with pride from that compliment) and I have some pretty elaborate character descriptions...though most of my chars are going to grow through the story I believe.

I will be diving back into "the apple" tonight and I plan on being there for a while, an extended stay...I will update when I can...wish me luck =)

*Oh and one more thing...I see that a few people do in fact visit my page so why not join and become a fan?  I would love to have some fans and some comments and opinions roaming my page =)